Monday, January 25, 2016

Wild, Delicious & Cold Turkey!

My life has been bombarded by Turkey this week. We have had wild turkeys hanging out in our pasture, we've ate a few delicious turkey, cucumber and spinach sandwiches and oh yeah, I quit breastfeeding COLD TURKEY!

I have breastfed Lieli for 20 months now. I can't lie, I LOVE breastfeeding. I never thought I would be the mom with the kid over one still breastfeeding. I think I held on so long because she is our last kiddo, unless God preforms a miracle, and I am not ready to let go of having her be a baby yet. I'd stop nursing during the day and was only nursing at night for about two months. I was feeling ready physically to stop nursing since her first birthday but couldn't let go emotionally! My sissy and I were talking one day and she didn't realize I was still breastfeeding. She reminded me ever so gently, mmmhmm, that my plan was to stop months ago when Lieli was 18 months lol. The worst part was Lieli still waking up in the middle of the night to nurse. 

I realized this is my own doing and I had to get it together girl. Then one day, I had a talk with her and told her my milk was "all gone." She signed "all gone milk" with me and then went to play. She spent the day with her dad and great grandma, G.G. Kay and when she came home I didn't nurse her before bed. She slept through the night. I decided I wasn't going backwards.  I do not recommend stopping cold turkey!  Mm-mm, don't do it. I could not sleep, stretch out my arms, or hug my kids because of the pain of being engorged. I have never wanted to THROW my sweet baby off of my lap, I mean look at this face... 

BUT, one day she was sitting on my lap and got excited and threw her head back and headbutted me right in the sweet spot. I was in so much pain that my pain was having pain! I couldn't help the "hhaarrahhhghgghhh--hhuuhh" that left my body as I tried to fake smile as I put her down to play so I wouldn't freak her out lol! The intense pain of being engorged lasted only about 2 days and has slowly dissipated. I can at least hug my kids now. If I had more will power, I would have just taken out one feeding at a time as I did before. At least now I am done!

I am stoked... and a little offended actually. She could care less!!! She has only asked me to nurse maybe 5 times. Each time I sign to her that my milk is all gone and then she asks for something else to drink by either signing what she wants or saying, "Mon, Mon, and signing milk while walking to the refrigerator. It has been a journey. I have loved nursing my daughters. I know what a blessing it is that my body was able to carry my children and produce milk and I am so thankful God has chosen me to be their momma. Time to close the chapter of little babies in my home, on to the next challenge we go!

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