Sunday, January 17, 2016

Missing Home

Hi GFFs! I've been unpacking like crazy and trying to get my life together this past week. I have a lot of projects going on and I hope to share some of them with you soon. Can I be real? I feel like it has been a nice distraction to the nostalgic feelings creeping up for the past couple of months.  I've been in Oregon for about 18 months now (last visited CO 11 months ago) and though I love it, I have been missing Colorado!

I miss knowing where I am driving. Though I would get lost all of the time, I would at least kinda know where I was! I have a terrible sense of direction and now I am trying not to rely on my GPS to get home. Though Portland has an amazing food scene, I miss certain places I used to frequent in Denver like Panzano’s happy hour… one of the BEST happy hour menus! I miss the fact that the sun was shining on my face most days, and the direct heat you feel from being a mile up from sea level. I miss City and Wash Park. I miss driving to the Mountains. I miss walking to Schlessman Library. I even miss the snow at times. Mostly, I just miss my friends and family. 

I miss being able to drive over to see them whenever I want. I miss going to get breakfast at Snooze with my girls. I miss lying on my mom’s couch while she plays tea party with my daughters. I miss watching movies at my dad’s… but not really watching them because we are all talking too much. I miss hanging out, watching the fights with my husband and his best friends sharing bar food and laughs. I miss my brothers and my cousins. I miss all of the littles in my life, cousins, nieces and nephews. I miss my sister. I miss inviting my girlfriends over for dinner. I especially miss my cousin popping up at my house randomly, to just talk and let our kids hang out.

I was talking to my best friend before we moved to Oregon this last time. We talked about our experiences moving away from Colorado and missing home. She said something that stuck with me, “Wherever Josh is, that’s where home is to me now.” I never put the thoughts to the feelings before she said that. Truthfully that is exactly how I feel, whenever I am with Chilo I feel more at home than I ever have anywhere else… no matter where we are.  Whenever I feel homesick he is my comfort. I'd go with him anywhere.  I'll of course be going back to Colorado soon to visit my friends and family. I miss them so much! But, I can honestly say I am home. 

Genesis 2:24


  1. That is beautiful. I know what it's like to my as. I haven't been back to CO in a long long time. I miss Texas as well. We just continue on our walk to where ever God leads us. Stay encouraged and blessed!

    1. That is the truth! Thank you for the kind words, you too!

  2. You got it right Tiff, home is where your husband is. As much as I want to go home to Hawaii and live, it wouldn't be really home if we weren't there together. He's my best friend and I know Chilo is yours. We make it work and at the end of the day, it's worth the sacrifice and compromise.

    1. Yep, gotta stay with you best friend! If not it would be like living with a cell phone with no signal or wifi in the middle of nowhere... just lost! lol

  3. Hey Tiffany, I completely understand missing home. I've been living in Atlanta for 7 years and there are still some things I miss about home. But you have a beautiful family which is the most important thing after God. Imagine how Abram felt when God commanded him to move and leave everything and everyone he knew? God has something wonderful in store for you and I can't wait to see what it is. Be encouraged my love and know I'm praying for you and your family always. Dani

    1. Hey Dani, you're one of the people I miss! Thank you for your kind words, love and prayers. You all are in my prayers too!
